An optimal workflow is crucial in a professional kitchen. It is very satisfying to see the positive impact of the total hygiene setup from JEROS on the national team's flow while meeting the high hygiene requirements we are subject to.
For our six national teams, the ability to swiftly clean up kitchen equipment is a game-changer. JEROS' commercial dishwashers stand out in this aspect, washing up thoroughly in a remarkably short time, thereby minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

Commercial dishwashers play just as significant a role in the professional kitchen as other machines.

Denmark is a gastronomic superpower!
The National Culinary Teams of Denmark is an association of 6 teams: the National Culinary Team, the National Junior Culinary Team, the National Catering Team, the National Waiter Team, the National Pastry Team, and the National Bakery Team.
"Gastronomy is at the heart of everything we touch. We work across silos and interests for the benefit of gastronomy," says Morten Juul Andersen, CEO of the National Culinary Teams of Denmark and continues:
"As a foundation, we help raise investments - and our foundation is built on support from investors, sponsors, public grants, and volunteers who all make a great effort to ensure that our organization achieves the best results - including when it comes to promoting Danish gastronomy at home and abroad."
Six national teams take up a lot of space
It's no secret that six national teams take up a lot of space, especially when you need space for all the equipment they use for their various training sessions. Therefore, the six national teams are housed in Cookery at JØNI in the heart of Funen.
JØNI sponsors all six national teams by providing the 1,500 km2 training facilities that Cookery embraces. In the past, Cookery has served as a showroom and knowledge center and has hosted various events and conferences.
Today, the National Culinary Teams of Denmark run the Cookery to train the foundation's national teams for competitions and championships such as the World Cup and the Olympics.

JEROS is very committed to our collaboration - and seeing how much interest the company shows in and about Cooking is inspiring.
JEROS shows a commitment that is very much directed towards our work - towards the work of the national teams - and therefore goes far beyond supplying and servicing the machines and equipment that JEROS sponsors.
JEROS's ergonomic design makes a difference
"We have furnished Cookery's 1,500 km2 training kitchens with all the equipment our national teams need in the sweet and savory kitchen. And that's where JEROS comes in.
To achieve optimal performance from the national team members, it's crucial that utensils and machines are designed for easy and efficient use - and JEROS's commercial dishwashers are no exception. In particular, the sizeable commercial dishwasher and the warewasher have made the work of our operators much easier and much more gentle because:
- The lids of the commercial dishwashers automatically open and lift after washing, so our operators don't have to make an effort to open them themselves.
- The three open sides of the commercial dishwashers allow our operators to load dirty dishes into the machine on trays and remove them when they are clean.
The commercial dishwashers run between 50 and 100 times during our training sessions. Still, our operators avoid heavy and exhausting lifting due to their location to the placing tables," emphasizes Morten Juul Andersen.
If you're intrigued by our ergonomic design and want to learn more about how JEROS's commercial dishwashers can benefit your kitchen, we're just a phone call away.

JEROS sponsors the National Culinary Teams of Denmark and supports the six teams with equipment in the form of three commercial dishwashers and stainless steel working tables:
High-end gastronomy requires a lot of equipment and just as much washing up
"When our National Culinary Team and Junior Culinary Team compete in team competitions, we enter a team of six people in the 'box.' And one of the six people in the box is always a busboy doing the dishes.
The focus is often solely on the chefs and the gastronomic results, but for them to succeed - and to avoid bottlenecks in the middle of it all - the busboy and commercial dishwasher play a crucial role in the team. All the busboy does is wash the dishes and put them away so that everything is neat at all times - and so that the chefs don't drown in used utensils, pots, and pans.
And that's also what happens when we train at home in Cookery.
Many people don't give it much thought, but our commercial dishwasher plays just as important a role as all the other machines we use during training," Morten Juul Andersen points out thoughtfully:
"The dishwashing station frees up space for the national team members, who can quickly clean the equipment they need to use again. The whole dishwashing process has become much easier, and we're pleasantly surprised at how much it means for all the other processes in the kitchen."
A uniform and bacteria-free result is always a definite priority!
Sinks are installed as an integral part of the dishwashers' workstation at Cookery, where all the dirty equipment is rinsed off before being placed in the dishwasher. However, it's unavoidable that food residue sometimes gets into the commercial dishwasher, which is why we at JEROS have equipped our dishwashers with an efficient filter container that automatically collects food residue.
The filter container can be easily removed and emptied, ensuring the machine's wash water remains clean - even with repeated washing.
However, for JEROS, more is needed so the kitchen equipment looks clean after washing. In Cookery, we have installed dishwashers, the washing results of which are collected via a data log.
Thus, the National Culinary Teams of Denmark can document that the dishes are washed correctly at the proper temperatures: 52°C with chemicals and 85°C when the dishwashers rinse and disinfect with clean hot water.
We are the training platform that focuses solely on high-end
Our unwavering focus on high-end results sets us apart at the Danish Gastronomic Union. We are the training platform that consistently delivers top-tier performance, regardless of which national team is in play. This is how we create value for our national teams.
If we take the chefs as an example, we train to achieve the best results: gold medals at the Olympics and World Championships - and eventually Michelin stars. We typically find the chefs when they are still students and in courses at Skills: DM in Skills, EuroSkills, and WorldSkills.
In other words, we bring them in when they have developed an interest in competing and, not least, training for competitions. The Junior National Team will be the next step if they dare to continue.
Towards the Michelin stars!
Many of our chefs have gone from the Junior National Culinary Team to the National Culinary Team and on to the Michelin stars. Among others, I can highlight Rasmus Munk from Alchemist, Rasmus Kofoed from Restaurant Geranium, Michael Nørtoft, sous chef at Restaurant Geranium and captain of our Danish National Culinary Team, and Kenneth Toft-Hansen from Svinkløv Badehotel.
They have all been through the training process to become competition chefs on the Danish National Culinary Team, and very often, they stay with us for up to 10 years, no matter which of our six national teams you point out.
They are all among the very best in their gastronomic field, and that's because they can't help but nerd out. Together. The community of each national team makes them super good at playing each other even better. Even stronger!
In practical terms, all we do is provide the perfect framework and facilities to create the absolute best results," concludes Morten Juul Andersen with a laughing smile.

Our chefs are part of the official Denmark
Denmark is a gastronomic superpower!
To promote gastro-tourism, representatives from our National Culinary Team and Junior National Culinary Team are always present when the Royal Family and members of the Danish government go on official state visits.
During these state visits, it is not just our chefs who shine. The Danish Gastronomic Union Foundation, along with our chefs, prepares the gala dinners hosted by Denmark and the Royal Family.
We take pride in incorporating a selection of products from participating food industry companies into our dishes, showcasing their quality and our collaborative spirit. For instance, when accompanied by Arla and Danish Crown, their ingredients take center stage on our menu.
All in the name of branding. Both companies, chef ambassadors, the Royal Family, and Denmark.